Monday, June 10, 2013

The First Post - Intro

Hello there! Well, this is my first blog I take seriously. If you guys don't know (I bet you don't know it at all), I had a blog before when I was 13-14 years old I don't remember, which contains random stuff i don't really remember. That's not so important, eh?

Many of reasons that I can't tell you make me want to started all over again with blogging stuff. Let me introduce myself first.

My name is Tania Yasmine, I'm 18 which is gonna be 19 on this August. Yeah, I was born in Indonesia on 2 August 1994 at Jakarta. I have some interest in art stuffs, music I listen to (Oh I hope I'm good at singing or playing instrument), football and basketball, beauty and fashion, and many more. You'll know me later as you read my blog because it's just too long to be written here haha! (Yeah I keep stuff simple).

About this blog, I will do it bilingually (English and Bahasa). It can be contained random stuffs you always wonder ;)

 And.. Yeah I'm a Gooner. :)

How to find me:




See you on next post guys! :'D