Monday, July 8, 2013

BBQ and Little Reunion

Hello everyone! I know this is kinda late, very late indeed. But hey, it's better late than never! So today I want to share about my BBQ and little reunion with my friends on 28 June, last month. Yeah, the plan had been talked by the others friends. "Hey, let's have a BBQ together!", "Hey, let's reunion and hang out!", etc. Then my best friends and I decided to make this happen 2 weeks before. They are Monica Gunawan (Monic), Stevany Johan (Sjo), and Gabriela Eriviany (Viany).

As you can see, we just have short gap before the day. We had to tell our friends about the plan, decide the place of our BBQ, the materials, the foods and drinks, and so so many other things. Few days before the day, fortunately we got the place, which is our friends business place. It called Gudang Juice. The name of the place can tell you what business they work out, can't it? :-)

About 30 persons attended that BBQ, it made us buy so MANY foods which we like to cook. At 7 PM we arrived at the place as we had planned before it was 6 PM which is we were late but who cares because WE DID THE PREPARATION. Yes, we did the seasoning, frying, and preparing what we will bring there.

It was good to be there. We shared our stories, met old friends, shared banters, took (many) pictures, and met an Indian named Bala Ganesh, Roy's friend from Singapore where he study. Our foods were so delicious though! Some of my friends had beers and wine. SO it was so great!

Unfortunately, time flies so fast when you're having fun they said. It's true. Some of them went home. We were the last who went home indeed. :-p

I don't know about you, but it's great to meet some old friends and have little (or not) chats. Here some pictures:

Roy Roberto who is studying culinary in Singapore and spent holiday here, the chef that night.

 Vallen, Candy, and Vin were waiting the foods.
 Look at us, not the food!
(left-to-right: Candy, Vin, Cresen, Vallen, Deli, Michelle, Stella, Monic, and Me)
 The Boys Joined (Suwandi, Joe Mack, Jeffry)
 I changed my t-shirt because it stained.
The purple t-shirt is Doddy the twin, the batik shirt is Alex.

 Samuel's is at the front of us!
 This is us, say hey to Viany, Me, Monic, and Sjo.
 Left-Right: Roy the chef, Yolanda, Vin, Bala, Jason, Yos, and Sam.
Cheeky Indian Pose! Bala's on the right.