Thursday, November 14, 2013


"Do you want to know something?"
   "What is it?"
"Do you really want to know?"
   "Stop teasing me. Yeah, tell me what it is."
"I don't! Hahaha. Okay, your smile."
   "My smile what, you creep.."
"Your smile is my favourite type of smile. Silly, confusing because I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, yet lovable."
   "Haha, stop it. There's thousand smile you could find more interesting than mine."
"But they're not you."

   "Hey I love yours too."
"What hahaha no."
   "I really mean it. Shut up.."
"Okay.. But why? Hahaha"
   "Like what you did! When you're smiling you always can't hold your laughter, I love that. Is everything seems so funny in your eyes?"
"No, of course not! I'm not that freak. I just.. I just, I don't know. Hahaha!"
   "You did it again."
"Did I?"
   "Uh uh.. And yes, you're that freak. You're that weird." 
"And you love me! Hahaha. I don't know. Perhaps I'm just too happy being here with you, I can't even hide my elation and happiness when you're around"
   "You could go to theme park or circus show, you would be happier than ever."
"As long as you'd come with me, it would be perfect. Hahaha."
   "You just did it again."