Monday, August 26, 2013

Tips - How To Ruin Your Sleeping Schedule

Hi guys, this is my first tips ever in my blog that I hope it will be helpful. 
Honesty at the first, I want to share to you guys how to fix your sleeping schedule, instead of ruin it. But it would be kinda ironic that person who has sleeping problem giving tips about fix that problem. So yeah, what I'm gonna share to you is "How to ruin your sleeping schedule"

The first thing you should do is not doing anything so you shouldn't have to spend your energy much at the morning.
If you have to go to school or work, it's okay. You could sit calmly listening to your teacher giving lessons, if you're sleepy you can take a nap at the break/free time. 
If you have to work, don't worry. You could ask your friends to do some teamwork and point yourself as a leader. So you could make the strategy what your teammates should do. Organise things seriously and take responsibility! That is obviously take shorter time than theirs and you can do whatever you want (sleeping, relaxing, making out with internet, being potato).
If they ask what have you done, you'll say, "Yo mates, I'm too busy with organising stuffs and being responsible. What about you?"
Your teammates will answer, "Oh okay then!"

Make a good society. 
Who on earth could live alone by itself?! I mean, you could die if you don't have anyone to talk to in your entire life. You know that how boring life is if you have bad society. You don't have friends to hang out or chat. Come on, make friends! Make friends so you can spend all night talking, chatting, hanging out, singing Nicki Minaj's songs, being potato together, prank-ing people, playing hide and clap, kissing, etc.
Its good to spend your night with your friends. When you've already spent your night with your friends that's obvious that you've started your messy sleeping schedule which is great because that's the point.
DO YOUR HOMEWORKS at the afternoon. Seriously, do it. Expose your brain, use it until you're feeling that your brain is spinning around like merry-go-around. After you done you're homework, you can fall asleep until the time you should start sleeping properly. And yeah, you can't keep sleeping from afternoon to tomorrow morning.  That scientifically impossible. (I think)

Internet. Internet always has the answers for us. It can help us do our homeworks, inform many things, make us connected, and many more. You should never get bored of internet. If you do, maybe you don't know any good website, or you don't have good society on the internet, or you don't have good internet connection. 
Come on you can do anything with internet that make you stay awake. 

Do it constantly..
If you do it constantly everyday, I bet you're gonna have 'different' sleeping schedule.And I tell you, it's okay to be different.

That's it. I hope those tips will help you out. If they don't, it's fine. It means you don't have to have messy sleeping schedule. You don't have to stay awake all night and regret it every morning. :)

Pictures below are some of my tweets that related of my sleeping schedule:

See you guys in the next post very soon! Bye! :)


I'm sorry if I made wrong grammars or some mistakes, English is not my main language. The reason I make this post into English because I want to. ;)

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