Wednesday, September 25, 2013

It Wouldn't Be Sleepless Night

If I couldn't sleep at night, would you come over here?
We could play all the video games you wanted to play.
You always pretend that you lose the game so I could mock you.
Then you threw away the console to the couch and danced like an idiot if you win one.
We could order pizza and ask for your favourite topping with extra cheese because we love cheese.
You asked two cans of diet coke because I insisted you, afterwards.

You could turn on the music from your iPod,

playing the song from your favourite band.
Then you hummed that song loudly right in front of my ear.
I asked you to play One Direction songs, and you always sigh about that.
However you granted my silly wish.
We both sang that Best Song Ever song.
And guess who was the loudest? You.

The bell was ringing so I opened the door,
the man who have been waited came bringing us our meal.
Then we paid the bill and the deliveryman said to us,
he said may we have a good night.
"You too, thank you!" I said as the deliveryman go away.
"Well, it's impossible to not have a good night with you." You mumbled.

"It's a domino's party!! It's a domino's party!!" You sang.
"Yay! Yay! Yay!" I continued your weird song.
"What.. What is Yay Yay Yay?" You said whilst laughing.
"Shut the fuck up, I have too much swag, you can't even understand me." I imitated rappers style.
"Freak." You said and grabbed a slice of pizza.
"Back at you." I said giggling and jumped to the couch with my diet coke.

You could insist me to watch scary movie at 1 am.

As long as you don't leave me alone of course.
I took the blanket to the couch as you clicked the play button.
"This is horrible idea." I said to you, you laughed whilst turned off the light.
We watched the movie with blanket all over us.
The movie wasn't so good to my heart, indeed.

Then when the credit showed up as the movie is ended, 
you turn off the DVD player and television because you know I was too sleepy to get up.
We didn't move, we just laying on the couch, sleeping.
"Be careful, probably there's someone stroke your hair and it was not me.." You mocked.
"Shhhh.." I just shushed you because i barely have any energy to speak.

So we're sleeping.
For once I feel like reality is much better than any sweet dream I've ever got.
For once I feel like I don't have to think too much before I sleep.
For once I feel like I believe tomorrow morning will be a greater day.
For once I feel like tomorrow is the day I will say "good morning" with big smile on my face.
As simple as that.

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