Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Letter 1 - Chilly Autumn

Dear Joanne

Hi, J. How are you there?
It's about to autumn so the weather is very chill, makes me shiver every time I leave house.
Right now I'm sitting beside the window in my room, with grey hoodie you gave me, remember?
It's still my favourite.
I run out sugar so my tea is not that sweet as usual. It reminds me of you.
You always ask me to put a tablespoon of sugar to your mug because you don't like too much.
After that I remember I haven't written any letter for you for a while.
This summer is better than last year. I went to the beach a lot with others.
I got tanned but lately it fades away and that quite annoyed.
I miss you. How I wish we could spend summer together like 2 years ago.
Ah! I almost forgot to tell you important thing!
In the block next to my house there is a new ice cream shop which is unbelievable.
The ice cream is really delicious and they make the best chocolate ice cream EVER.
The name of the shop is Altman Ice cream, yeah of course because the owner named Mr. Altman.
Mr. Altman and I become quite good friend this summer. I haven't checked if they still open on autumn or not.
I would be pissed off if they don't. I know I'm not the only one who eats ice cream on this chilly weather.
You know you love it too. 
My dad and mom are doing well, they just went home from vacation to Italy.
Alfred just accepted and going to university in Finland. I'm gonna miss him very bad.
Jackie boy is practicing guitar a lot at the garage with his friends.
Everyone's doing fine.

I miss you Joanne. I wish I could visit you, but that's impossible.
I hope you're doing fine there.
Take care.


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