Monday, October 7, 2013

Letter 3 - Pumpkin & Ethan

Dear Joanne

Hi J,
It's been hectic today! I just have took a bath and right now I'm sitting on my bed and listening music from my laptop.
Today I went to pumpkin patch with my mom. She decided to make pumpkin pie,
you know I'm not a big fan of pumpkin if it comes to food.
Pumpkin is just perfect to be carved hahaha!
So after the dinner I just ate half slice of the pie, and I just went to the fridge to grab my cheesecake I bought yesterday.
You know what, J, the leaves are changing into a little yellow, it's so pretty.
Ah, after I went to pumpkin patch, I went cycling to the park to take some photos there. 
Though it's windy and so chill, there's a few kids playing on the playground. 
So I just sat on the bench and sipped my hot chocolate I bought at the shop.
After that I started hunting photos. I shot some photos of kids playing cheerfully.
I kept taking photos until I saw a guy through my camera lens.
He brought a cool camera and came closer to me.
I must tell you, the guy is quite cute. It made me so blushed when he was coming closer,
he asked me that am I taking photos around here.
I was so embarrassed I just nodded like an idiot and asked back to him.
Of course he said yes, silly me.
He asked me if I can hunt some photos with him in the forest,
and of course I said yes.
He looks nice. His name is Ethan. 
He is funny, he makes me giggle every time, and he takes such great photos!
And you know what? He gave me his numbers, so I did the same.
You'll like him too if you could meet him I swear.
And now I'm browsing to his photo blog, I can't believe he uploaded the picture he took which there's me in it.
Well this is kinda awkward, there's me giggling with my hair was blown away which is awful.
Talking about me in the photo, I really hope I could take photo of you.
You will look beautiful with yelow-ish leaves as your background!
I miss taking picture with you.
If you could look at your photos I took last time at my blog, 
there are some strangers said that the model is really gorgeous,
and I proudly said, "That's my best friend." ;)
By the way, Ethan just texted me whilst I writing this letter,
he sent me some photos he took and all of them is me.
I don't know what to reply, well actually I took him too in my photos.
I'd better not mention that to him, I'm such a creep. Haha :(

OK then,  bye :)


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