Thursday, November 14, 2013


"Do you want to know something?"
   "What is it?"
"Do you really want to know?"
   "Stop teasing me. Yeah, tell me what it is."
"I don't! Hahaha. Okay, your smile."
   "My smile what, you creep.."
"Your smile is my favourite type of smile. Silly, confusing because I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, yet lovable."
   "Haha, stop it. There's thousand smile you could find more interesting than mine."
"But they're not you."

   "Hey I love yours too."
"What hahaha no."
   "I really mean it. Shut up.."
"Okay.. But why? Hahaha"
   "Like what you did! When you're smiling you always can't hold your laughter, I love that. Is everything seems so funny in your eyes?"
"No, of course not! I'm not that freak. I just.. I just, I don't know. Hahaha!"
   "You did it again."
"Did I?"
   "Uh uh.. And yes, you're that freak. You're that weird." 
"And you love me! Hahaha. I don't know. Perhaps I'm just too happy being here with you, I can't even hide my elation and happiness when you're around"
   "You could go to theme park or circus show, you would be happier than ever."
"As long as you'd come with me, it would be perfect. Hahaha."
   "You just did it again."

Friday, October 25, 2013

I LOVE YOU...TUBE - My 10 Favourite YouTube Channels

"YouTube is a video-sharing website, created by three former PayPal employees in February 2005 and owned by Google since late 2006, on which users can upload, view and share videos." - that's what Wikipedia said. 

Who on earth doesn't know what YouTube is nowadays. As what the genius Wikipedia has told us, YouTube is the website where we can upload videos, watch videos, subscribe the channels, give comments, make playlists, or even like/unlike videos. You can find every type of video you want to watch, from cats to babies, from movies to musics, from romance to pranks, everything.

Honestly I can spend hours watching YouTube videos. You can say that I'm slightly (read: massively) addicted to YouTube as well. So, I'm gonna share to you my favourite YouTube channels. I hope I can help you with this post, I promise there will be no more boring moment in your day.

I'm doing it randomly. The last is not less than others. :)

1. danisnotonfire
    Danisnotonfire is a channel owned by British youtuber, Dan Howell. This channel has more than 2M subscribers. Dan uploads his videos weekly like others youtubers. In his videos mostly Dan talks about random things about his experiences, truth or dare challenge, or does collaboration videos with other youtubers. Most of his videos relate me so much.

2. nigahiga
    Ryan Higa is one of my favourites ever! He's Japanese who has American nationality (oh well). So now Ryan is known as American youtuber and his channel has more than 10 million subscriber. NigaHiga is funny as hell. Yup, same as Dan, Ryan Higa also uploads his videos weekly. You should watch "Candy Crush The Movie (fake) Trailer" and "How To Sing Like Your Favorite Artists". You're welcome ;)

3. zoella280390
    Girls power! Zoella or Zoe Sugg is one of many British youtubers. She's so pretty and adorable as you can tell from her photos down below and from her videos in her channel. She's beauty guru, so you can find much of girly-thingy on her channel such as make up and fashion haul and month favourite. But not only beauty stuffs she talks most of the time, she does collabs with other youtubers as well. My favourite is when she does collab with his brother, Joe Sugg.

4. dicasp
    Caspar Lee is South African teenager who sometimes talks to camera. That what his twitter bio said. Yes, he is South African. Why is he white? Well you just can't ask people why they're white! Hahaha. Dicasp means Director Caspar. He is attractive, adorable cool guy known as a slut. He moved to London last year and currently lives in LA. His channel contains collabs videos, interview videos, and other random funny videos. My favourite videos of Caspar are when he took selfies with strangers and when he prank called his mom saying that he got a girl pregnant which is quite hilarious. Also he has second channel called More Caspar, the link is featured in his main channel. Caspar has been my most favourite so far. :)

5. Troye Sivan
    This Australian guy was born in South Africa. He is actually an actor in movie called Spud (which is such a good movie, you should watch) and he is a good singer. His channel which just reached 1M subscribers recently, contains random funny videos, collab videos and his songs covers. His coming out video is the most watched video in his channel and beside the contain of his video, the next best thing is his outro. Oh, and I don't know why but I feel like Troye Sivan reflects me so much.

6. MarcusButlerTV
    Another British youtuber, Marcus Butler. Marcus has such a unique intro in every video and he uploads every Friday. His channel has 1,5M subscribers and for his celebration of his 1M subs before, he uploaded his rap video to his channel, named "I'm A Rapper". You also can find random funny videos, collab videos, and challenge videos in his channel. He has another channel that contains his daily vlogs (video-blog) at More Marcus.

7. TheFineBros
    This YouTube channel is different with others, created by two brothers, Rafi Fine and Benny Fine. Their channel contains kids-teens-youtubers-elders reacts-which are I recommend to you to watch, narrative web series and some spoilers. TheFineBros has more than 6M subscribers and more than 1 billion video views.

8. HISHEdotcom
    HISHE or How It Should Have Ended is a channel that presents animated parody videos of how the films or movies should be ended. I love this channel so much, beside it's funny, hilarious, confusing and mind blowing yet it gives you so much more other perspective that you haven't thought before. HISHE has 2,8M subscribers. My favourites are how Harry Potter and Iron Man should have ended. 

9. our2ndlife
    This is collab channel of American youtubers. They are Connor Franta, Ricky Dillon, Sam Pottroff, JC Caylen, Trevor Moran, and Kian Lawley. They upload their videos each day from Monday to Saturday. Every week they have different theme. Their channel is so fun to watch everyday. 


10. Jacksgap
      JacksGap is a channel that the Harries twin, Jack and Finn have. They are British and their channel contains collab videos, random funny videos, and their adventure to many places. Currently Jack and Finn is working on their new videos when they had journey in India to charity they held. Their videos also fun to watch, and you GIRLS, yes you should check their videos. Thank me later. 

That's all! I hope you enjoy their videos as I do. Make sure you subscribe to your own favourite channel so you will be noticed if they have uploaded new videos. 

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;) 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Once Again

Do you ever get the feeling that this life isn't yours?
It's just like you have no control what to do, how to do.
You just have no idea how the earth go spinning around,
but you, you're going nowhere.

For many times I say to you,
It wasn't me.
Maybe some devils took away my soul,
Came into my body.
Then they said what you don't want to listen.
They do what you don't want so see.
Or I can say, it was me being the devil for myself.

I did what I shouldn't've done.
It's like I want you to look at me, but I turned my head everytime you do.
It's like I want you to find me, but I lost myself everytime you do.

You always asked me does anything go wrong,
I always said it's nothing.
It's nothing because it is.
I can't even understand what it is.
I can't tell what goes wrong.
Maybe it's the world, or maybe the universe goes wrong.
It's harder to explain when you know nothing.
So, it's nothing.
Because when I lied to you,
Told you I was okay, somehow makes me happy.

I'm really sorry.
I wasted 'first chance' I had,
At least that's what most people called.
Even though I'm pretty sure,
The first chance is not a chance, is a gift.
A gift you should cherish.
A gift filled by promises you should keep.
A gift people should not waste.

Can we start over again?
Can you reappear to my life and be stranger again?
Can we just introduce ourselves to each other again?
We can relearn what we have gone through.
We can retell jokes that have made laughed our butts off.
We can re-do everything.
We recreate our memories once again.
Just once again.

I'm really sorry.
I lost count how many times I said this for you.

I'd tried with someone else, one maybe two.

I'd tried to distract myself with something else, hobby or pleasure.
But I never feel the way I felt.
With you, it's different.
It's just like a beautiful deep poem that everyone can't understand.

As you said to me, poem is just scars transforming into words.
It's just like diving into the ocean thinking you can catch every fish, but you can't.
As you said to me, "There is plenty of fish in the sea, but you're my Nemo."

I really like every thought you share to me every late night.
And I really hate the fact that I spend this few nights with my mind empty.
It just makes me sleepy and can't sleep at the same time.

Therefore I don't need someone else,
I don't need anything else.
I just need my second chance.
Or maybe I should call it 'my second gift'.

I don't need anyone else but you.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Letter 3 - Pumpkin & Ethan

Dear Joanne

Hi J,
It's been hectic today! I just have took a bath and right now I'm sitting on my bed and listening music from my laptop.
Today I went to pumpkin patch with my mom. She decided to make pumpkin pie,
you know I'm not a big fan of pumpkin if it comes to food.
Pumpkin is just perfect to be carved hahaha!
So after the dinner I just ate half slice of the pie, and I just went to the fridge to grab my cheesecake I bought yesterday.
You know what, J, the leaves are changing into a little yellow, it's so pretty.
Ah, after I went to pumpkin patch, I went cycling to the park to take some photos there. 
Though it's windy and so chill, there's a few kids playing on the playground. 
So I just sat on the bench and sipped my hot chocolate I bought at the shop.
After that I started hunting photos. I shot some photos of kids playing cheerfully.
I kept taking photos until I saw a guy through my camera lens.
He brought a cool camera and came closer to me.
I must tell you, the guy is quite cute. It made me so blushed when he was coming closer,
he asked me that am I taking photos around here.
I was so embarrassed I just nodded like an idiot and asked back to him.
Of course he said yes, silly me.
He asked me if I can hunt some photos with him in the forest,
and of course I said yes.
He looks nice. His name is Ethan. 
He is funny, he makes me giggle every time, and he takes such great photos!
And you know what? He gave me his numbers, so I did the same.
You'll like him too if you could meet him I swear.
And now I'm browsing to his photo blog, I can't believe he uploaded the picture he took which there's me in it.
Well this is kinda awkward, there's me giggling with my hair was blown away which is awful.
Talking about me in the photo, I really hope I could take photo of you.
You will look beautiful with yelow-ish leaves as your background!
I miss taking picture with you.
If you could look at your photos I took last time at my blog, 
there are some strangers said that the model is really gorgeous,
and I proudly said, "That's my best friend." ;)
By the way, Ethan just texted me whilst I writing this letter,
he sent me some photos he took and all of them is me.
I don't know what to reply, well actually I took him too in my photos.
I'd better not mention that to him, I'm such a creep. Haha :(

OK then,  bye :)


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Letter 2 - Bad Day

Dear Joanne

Hi, J. Today is not my day. Everything has just gone wrong.
I almost left by school bus because I forgot to turn on my alarm. Haha silly me.
Then in art class I accidentally spilled a can of liquid glue on my table which made me spending more time to clean that shit up than finish my job.
After that at lunch time I got strawberry milk instead of chocolate or vanilla because I went to the cafeteria late.
You know that I don't like strawberry milk. It tastes like kiddy toothpaste. Ew.
My literature teacher, Mrs. Wood, she also said that my short novel is not like what she had expected.
Which makes me confused. I did my best for that writing assignment.
Who does she thinks I am, Victor Hugo? Shakespeare? Nicholas Sparks?
I feel like I can't even be as good as people expect.
I never be good enough to people. I feel like people will never like me anyway.
Do you ever feel like people don't like you as much as you like them?
Of course you don't. People love you, J. You're perfect. :)
How are you doing? Are you as busy as I am?
By the way, tomorrow I will go to the park. The weather is not too windy today.
So, I hope tomorrow's weather just like today.
I bought cute knitted beanie and new sweaters today after school. The sweaters is broken white, navy blue, and pastel purple. I love them so much. I hope one day we can go shopping together like years ago.
Ah, I forgot the good news I wanted to tell you! You know what *drums roll* my photograph blog has 5000 views!
Recently I uploaded summer photograph I took when I went to the beach. Seems like they like my photograph. But I haven't tell them who I really am.
People do judge me, I just don't want they be judgmental to my photos.
I just want people enjoy the photos and I hope people like it.

It's always nice to talk to you, Joanne.
I really want to meet you.


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Letter 1 - Chilly Autumn

Dear Joanne

Hi, J. How are you there?
It's about to autumn so the weather is very chill, makes me shiver every time I leave house.
Right now I'm sitting beside the window in my room, with grey hoodie you gave me, remember?
It's still my favourite.
I run out sugar so my tea is not that sweet as usual. It reminds me of you.
You always ask me to put a tablespoon of sugar to your mug because you don't like too much.
After that I remember I haven't written any letter for you for a while.
This summer is better than last year. I went to the beach a lot with others.
I got tanned but lately it fades away and that quite annoyed.
I miss you. How I wish we could spend summer together like 2 years ago.
Ah! I almost forgot to tell you important thing!
In the block next to my house there is a new ice cream shop which is unbelievable.
The ice cream is really delicious and they make the best chocolate ice cream EVER.
The name of the shop is Altman Ice cream, yeah of course because the owner named Mr. Altman.
Mr. Altman and I become quite good friend this summer. I haven't checked if they still open on autumn or not.
I would be pissed off if they don't. I know I'm not the only one who eats ice cream on this chilly weather.
You know you love it too. 
My dad and mom are doing well, they just went home from vacation to Italy.
Alfred just accepted and going to university in Finland. I'm gonna miss him very bad.
Jackie boy is practicing guitar a lot at the garage with his friends.
Everyone's doing fine.

I miss you Joanne. I wish I could visit you, but that's impossible.
I hope you're doing fine there.
Take care.


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

It Wouldn't Be Sleepless Night

If I couldn't sleep at night, would you come over here?
We could play all the video games you wanted to play.
You always pretend that you lose the game so I could mock you.
Then you threw away the console to the couch and danced like an idiot if you win one.
We could order pizza and ask for your favourite topping with extra cheese because we love cheese.
You asked two cans of diet coke because I insisted you, afterwards.

You could turn on the music from your iPod,

playing the song from your favourite band.
Then you hummed that song loudly right in front of my ear.
I asked you to play One Direction songs, and you always sigh about that.
However you granted my silly wish.
We both sang that Best Song Ever song.
And guess who was the loudest? You.

The bell was ringing so I opened the door,
the man who have been waited came bringing us our meal.
Then we paid the bill and the deliveryman said to us,
he said may we have a good night.
"You too, thank you!" I said as the deliveryman go away.
"Well, it's impossible to not have a good night with you." You mumbled.

"It's a domino's party!! It's a domino's party!!" You sang.
"Yay! Yay! Yay!" I continued your weird song.
"What.. What is Yay Yay Yay?" You said whilst laughing.
"Shut the fuck up, I have too much swag, you can't even understand me." I imitated rappers style.
"Freak." You said and grabbed a slice of pizza.
"Back at you." I said giggling and jumped to the couch with my diet coke.

You could insist me to watch scary movie at 1 am.

As long as you don't leave me alone of course.
I took the blanket to the couch as you clicked the play button.
"This is horrible idea." I said to you, you laughed whilst turned off the light.
We watched the movie with blanket all over us.
The movie wasn't so good to my heart, indeed.

Then when the credit showed up as the movie is ended, 
you turn off the DVD player and television because you know I was too sleepy to get up.
We didn't move, we just laying on the couch, sleeping.
"Be careful, probably there's someone stroke your hair and it was not me.." You mocked.
"Shhhh.." I just shushed you because i barely have any energy to speak.

So we're sleeping.
For once I feel like reality is much better than any sweet dream I've ever got.
For once I feel like I don't have to think too much before I sleep.
For once I feel like I believe tomorrow morning will be a greater day.
For once I feel like tomorrow is the day I will say "good morning" with big smile on my face.
As simple as that.

Monday, September 23, 2013

You Wish

It's okay to be sad.
It's okay to cry.

But it hurts.
It hurts when someone you love left you.
It makes you realise that you're not good enough.
I am not, indeed.

It hurts when people give up on you.
They don't need you,
you don't even remember when is the time you ignore them.

It hurts you can be what you want to be.
It hurts, thinking what you shouldn't have to, but you did.
It hurts, talking about future, looking for the tiny point in blurred area.

People will forget you eventually.
Some of them stay,
some of them can't stand.

You always trying to pull yourself.
Do things they think you cannot do,
because that's the only way to prove your self.

But do people care?
Do people realise that you do your best just to please them?
Just to make their proud and happy with you?

At this point you'd prefer to be blindfolded, so you can't see reality.
Listening to music and shit through your headphones so you can't hear any cliche words.
You're running. Escaping. Hiding.
You're wishing that you can disappear.
Laying in your bed pretending to be somewhere else.
Place where no one judge you, where no one know you.
Living with stranger, do things I know I will be happy with it.
Do not think the consequences.
Laugh with them, because we know we had same shit that we had went through.

Yeah, you're wishing that.

You're wishing there's someone who shrugs your shoulders,
puts arms around you, strokes your hair.
Hug you and say "Everything's gonna be okay. I'm here."
Then we remain silent. 
"It's okay to cry."
You wet your both clothes with tears.
"I'm sorry your t-shirt is wet, this is embarrassing."
Tears of sadness, tears of relief.

"Don't keep it by yourself, if you want to tell me, just go for it. I'm listening."
"No, I'm not ready"

"Feeling better?"
"A little bit.."

You wish that there's someone who says that he/she needs you.
"Don't ever go, I need you."
"No, you don't. You can find someone better."
"I need you." "We need you."

Monday, August 26, 2013

Tips - How To Ruin Your Sleeping Schedule

Hi guys, this is my first tips ever in my blog that I hope it will be helpful. 
Honesty at the first, I want to share to you guys how to fix your sleeping schedule, instead of ruin it. But it would be kinda ironic that person who has sleeping problem giving tips about fix that problem. So yeah, what I'm gonna share to you is "How to ruin your sleeping schedule"

The first thing you should do is not doing anything so you shouldn't have to spend your energy much at the morning.
If you have to go to school or work, it's okay. You could sit calmly listening to your teacher giving lessons, if you're sleepy you can take a nap at the break/free time. 
If you have to work, don't worry. You could ask your friends to do some teamwork and point yourself as a leader. So you could make the strategy what your teammates should do. Organise things seriously and take responsibility! That is obviously take shorter time than theirs and you can do whatever you want (sleeping, relaxing, making out with internet, being potato).
If they ask what have you done, you'll say, "Yo mates, I'm too busy with organising stuffs and being responsible. What about you?"
Your teammates will answer, "Oh okay then!"

Make a good society. 
Who on earth could live alone by itself?! I mean, you could die if you don't have anyone to talk to in your entire life. You know that how boring life is if you have bad society. You don't have friends to hang out or chat. Come on, make friends! Make friends so you can spend all night talking, chatting, hanging out, singing Nicki Minaj's songs, being potato together, prank-ing people, playing hide and clap, kissing, etc.
Its good to spend your night with your friends. When you've already spent your night with your friends that's obvious that you've started your messy sleeping schedule which is great because that's the point.
DO YOUR HOMEWORKS at the afternoon. Seriously, do it. Expose your brain, use it until you're feeling that your brain is spinning around like merry-go-around. After you done you're homework, you can fall asleep until the time you should start sleeping properly. And yeah, you can't keep sleeping from afternoon to tomorrow morning.  That scientifically impossible. (I think)

Internet. Internet always has the answers for us. It can help us do our homeworks, inform many things, make us connected, and many more. You should never get bored of internet. If you do, maybe you don't know any good website, or you don't have good society on the internet, or you don't have good internet connection. 
Come on you can do anything with internet that make you stay awake. 

Do it constantly..
If you do it constantly everyday, I bet you're gonna have 'different' sleeping schedule.And I tell you, it's okay to be different.

That's it. I hope those tips will help you out. If they don't, it's fine. It means you don't have to have messy sleeping schedule. You don't have to stay awake all night and regret it every morning. :)

Pictures below are some of my tweets that related of my sleeping schedule:

See you guys in the next post very soon! Bye! :)


I'm sorry if I made wrong grammars or some mistakes, English is not my main language. The reason I make this post into English because I want to. ;)

Thursday, August 15, 2013


I'm getting old this month. Yup, I'm 19 now. Tanggal 2 Agustus kemarin gue ulang tahun. Yay! Telat. HEHE. Ada yang seru yng sayang buat gak ditulis di blog ini yaitu surprise yang dikasih sama sahabat-sahabat gue. :')

Jadi tanggal 31 Juli, Stevany Johan atau yang akrab disapa Sjo telepon, dia ajak gue buat nginep di rumah Monic dan berenang di Pantai Mutiara, PIK keesokan harinya, tanggal 1. Karena gue emang pengen ngumpul-ngumpul sama mereka, maka gue mengiyakan aja ajakan dia. Jadi pada tanggal 1 Agustus, Gue, Viany, Sjo ke rumah Monic buat ngumpul dan naroh barang-barang nginep. Agus dan Jepri juga ikut berenang. Kita janjian jem 2, ujung-ujungnya kita jalan jam 5, ngaret parah seperti biasa.

Akhirnya kita sampai di Pantai Mutiara, kita berenang, main kejar-kejaran dalem air, berenang, foto-foto, dan melakukan atraksi-atraksi di air. Sampe udah lumayan sepi dan udah gelap banget, waktu kitu sekitar jem 8 malam, kita menyudahi berenang dan bilas. Setelah menghabiskan energi selama kita berenang, kita memutuskan untuk makan di Porter House, PIK. Sekitar jem 11 kita pun pulang ke rumah Monic. Agus dan Jepri yang anterin kita pulang ke rumahnya masing-masing. Jadilah cuma kita berempat bermalam (?). Seperti biasa kita ngobrol-ngobrol, bercanda, dan ngepost foto-foto kita di instagram. HEHE. Sampai akhirnya pas lagi scrolling twitter, Sjo langsung meluk gue bilang "Happy Birthday Tania!!" Hahaha gue yang gak nyangka udah jem 12 aja mengucapkan terima kasih. Monic dan viany pun nyusul untuk memberi selamat ke gue. 

Tiba-tiba Viany ngeluarin bungkusan dari tasnya, isinya snack-snack kesukaan gue :') katanya itu pengganti kue. lalu setelah itu kita tidur karena hari udah larut banget dan kita semua kecapean. Besok Viany juga harus bangun pagi, jem 7 dia ada urusan. Selagi tidur pules, tiba-tiba gue kebangun sama suara genrakan pintu yang diiringi nyanyian "Happy birthday......" yang fals. Ternyata Monic, Sjo, Viany datang. Mereka membawa jelly buah yang beku sebagai kue ulang tahun gue. Mereka gak kasih itu semalam karena takut belum jadi dan mereka naroh di freezer supaya cepet padat. 

Setelah make wishes, tiup lilin dan mencicipi frozen jelly itu, kita foto-foto (teteup). Seneng, setelah kurang lebih 7 tahun sahabatan, dan 6 kali diaksih surprise sama mereka. Gak nyangka aja, dari ulamg tahun ke 13 samapi sekarang ke 19 mereka selalu ada di hari ulang tahun gue. Sayangnya salah satu dari kita, Grace lagi di Singapur, tapi dia mengepost video-video utuk ucapin gue dan salam buat ke yang lain.

Well, bestfriends, it wouldn't be that special without you all. I love you Grace, Monic, Sjo, Viany. <3 I hope our friendship last forever like tattoos. Thanks for my family. Thanks juga buat temen-temen yang udah ucapin di FB, twitter, IG, dll. I love you all. Thanks for being so awesome and please don't go changing! :D
Dan gue gak lupa berdoa semoga di umur gue yang sedikit dewasa, gua juga makin mature, makin bisa berkembang dan ngejer apa yang gue pengen. Never stop fighting and be the better me. Amen. :)


 Viany, Agus, Sjo, Monic.
 Proses pembuatan dan hasil dari frozen jelly cake. :)


Editan dari Viany.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Arsenal to Indonesia on Summer 2013

HALO SEMUANYA! Maaf banget, udah lama ga nulis karena ada urusan dan belum nemuin mood yang oke. Hey, but I'm back now! Gak kerasa udah bulan Agustus aja, Udah setengah tahun lebih di 2013 ini. Banyak yang udah dilaluin dan banyak kejadian-kejadian dan momen-momen yang gak bisa dilupain di tahun ini.

Yang pengen diceritain di post ini adalah salah satu momen highlighted yang ga bakal pernah gue lupain. I guess you guys have already known that I'm such a BIG fan of Arsenal. Yup, that club who doesn't get trophy for 8 years, but who cares. I love them, leave me alone. Tau Arsenal dari masih kecil, lupa kapan, tapi yang pasti sewaktu Thierry Henry masih jaya-jayanya. Lalu sebenernya gue udah mulai suka sama Arsenal dari SMP, masih cengengesan suka gara-gara Fabregas ganteng sama lagi top-topnya. Terus ada pemain, yes, I fancy him a LOT, Aaron Ramsey. HAHA. Makin ke sininya gue makin ngerti sama sepakbola karena emang Papi suka nola juga. Pas SMA adalah saat-saat di mana gue bener-bener jadi a little obsessed I think sama Arsenal. Gue jadi sering ngikutin beritanya dan nonton pertandingan-pertandingannya di TV. Sampai akhirnya tau kalau temen sekelas gue pas SMA, Sisca suka juga sama Arsenal. Awalnya kalau ngomongin bola sama cowok, sekarang jadi ada temen buat ngobrolin bola, terutama Arsenal sama cewek. Gue sama Sisca pengen bangat nonton Arsenal secara langsung. Well, siapa gooners (sebutan fans Arsenal) yang gak mau nonton tim kesayangannya live? :')

Sampai akhirnya, jeng jeng jeng, tanggal 1 November 2012, di website Arsenal tercantum pengunguman bahwa Arsenal bakal mengunjungi Indonesia dalam serangkaian tour Asia mereka pada musim panas 2013. Who's excited??! Tentu aja gue sama Sisca! Gue langsung bbm dia, dia juga bbm gue. Kita berhitung, kita punya waktu 8 bulan buat nabung buat beli tiketnya.

Bulan demi bulan gue countdown sama Sisca, akhirnya tiba juga tanggal 11 Juli 2013 pemain Arsenal, manajer, serta staff-staffnya flight ke Jakarta. Mereka sampai di Jakarta keesokan harinya tanggal 12 dan mereka menjalani open training session pada tanggal 13. Karena gue dan Sisca beli tiket di AIS, kita dapet kesempatan buat nonton latihan mereka di GBK pas tanggal 13 tersebut.

Tibalah yang ditunggu-tunggu selama ini, hari pertandingan antara Indonesia Dream Team melawan Arsenal di GBK. Pertandingan dimulai malem harinya, sekitar pukul setengah 9. Tapi gue, Sisca, dan temen-temen Sisca dari Bandung janjian dari jem 5. Sempet ada kejadian yang bikin kesel. Entah karena kurangnya manajemen promotor atau komunikasi yang buruk antara promotor dan pihak GBK, di tiket kita ditulis 7, tapi pas waktunya open gate, gate 7 malah ga dibuka sama pihak GBK. Bingung, kesel, capek, dan gak sabar pengen masuk jadi satu. Jadi kita masuk dari gate lain untungnya kita masih sempat menonton mereka pemanasan terlebih dahulu dan tentu saja, foto-foto :p.

Gak bisa dipungkiri, pertandingan berlangsung sangat seru. Sayangnya serangan dari Indonesia belum dapat menjebol gawang Arsenal. Skor berakhir 0-7 buat Arsenal. Gol diciptakan oleh Walcott, Akpom, Giroud 2x, Olsson, Podolski dan Eisfeld. Akhirnya selesai pertandingan para pemain membentangkan spanduk/banner yang bertuliskan rasa terima kasih mereka atas dukungan kita di Indonesia.

Hati udah larut, kita pulang jem 11 malam waktu itu. Capek dan pegel bener-bener kebayar buat serunya hari itu. Gue yakin Sisca dan Gooners yang nonton di GBK pasti juga merasa gitu. Sayangnya kita gak dapet foto bareng pemain Arsenal. Tapi penantian kita Arsenal ke Jakarta, duit dan tenaga yang udah dikeluarin, semua kebayar dalam 3 hari mereka di Indonesia. Hal yang bikin bangga adalah pemain-pemain Arsenal yang takjub atas dukungan yang diberikan pada mereka di Indonesia. Mereka menyampaikannya entah dari wawancara dengan media maupun jaringan sosial seperti tweet-tweet mereka, atau foto-foto di instagram mereka. Bangga jadi salah satu gooners di Indonesia? Ya iyalah. :)
Gue sama Sisca.

Thanks buat Arsenal Indonesia sendiri yang ngebuat ini semua bukan hanya angan-angan kita, thanks buat promotor, pihak GBK dan sponsor serta media yang ngeliput. Thanks buat Sisca yang udah beliin titipan tiket. And I don't forget to thank God. Hey! One of my biggest dream has became true those nights. Hehe.
And I hope you guys, your favourite football club will come to Jakarta and will make you as happy as I am. :)


Get closer to me:
Twitter: @taniayasmine
Instagram: @taniayasmine
